Candidates for induction into the SAHF will have made significant contributions to the welfare and improvement of Saskatchewan Agriculture and the life of the farm family.
Candidates should have made distinguished and exceptional contributions to society with a strong relationship to Saskatchewan’s rural community, sustained over many years. Posthumous nominations are accepted.
Candidates should also have made unique contributions beyond the local level. This recognition must have benefitted farm families on a provincial level. National or international contributions enhance eligibility.
Use this form for nominations and attach three signed letters of support. Please provide a list of possible sponsors and the amount pledged for the candidate’s induction $(2000.00/individual or $3000.00/couple). A maximum of 5 published articles/inductee will be accepted. The SAHF Board will review nominations. Nominations will be kept on file and re-considered for up to two additional years. The nominator may submit additional information prior to the September 1st deadline in each of the subsequent two years. After being considered for three years, a new application will be required.
Nominations for couples will be considered for induction using the same criteria as for individuals. The case must be made however that both members of the couple have contributed equally to the accomplishments.
SAHF Board members are not eligible for nomination while in office.
Nominations must be received by September 1st to be considered for induction the following year.
Selections are the responsibility of the Saskatchewan Agricultural Hall of Fame.
All decisions respecting selections are final.
DO NOT inform the nominee and/or family of the nomination. Should the nomination be successful, the SAHF will contact the nominator and inform the nominee (or family member in the case of a posthumous award).
Send completed Hardcopy Nomination(s) to:
Saskatchewan Agricultural Hall of Fame, 2610 Lorne Avenue S., Saskatoon SK S7J 0S6
Email Electronic Copy to: sahf1972@gmail.com